Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ego Boost

There's nothing like a busy street of cultural interest to spark conversations with total strangers and have it end with "you're my new favorite artist". After some major disappointment from the previous art fair with a mere sales of $3, a change of scenery and demographics was refreshing. This past weekend's Art Fest on Broadway didn't achieve a high quantity of sales (although a lot more that $3), but I loved seeing people intend on just walking by and then do a double take, stop, and actually come back for a closer look. The highest compliment I think any artist can get is for someone to comment on your uniqueness. I got that compliment in a very genuine manner twice. There were multiple comments like "that is so cool", and "Wow, how do you come up wit that!?", but these two were different. I have to say thanks:) It's really the type of energy that helps keep an artist going.

And I was on camera three times. Two of which I don't even know which station was videotaping but TVZ did an interview with me that can be seen here. They also interviewed Shannon Petrone but I can't find her online anywhere - too bad. I like her work....

I also think one of the reasons I had much more fun is that I learned not to go into a street fair with high intentions. I don't think these fairs make a large amount of profit for artists but it is wonderful exposure and a great experience for meeting new and interesting people (and potential prospects...).

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